Discover the simple joys of cottages

The tales about how me and my friends are obliged to solve mysterys which usually, but not always, have criminals behind them.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sickness, Heroin, and some thoughts about violence

I've been sick. Sick like a stupid dog who eats a human carcass. Sick like Krister is when his coming of (what he might call) "a two of weeks drinking and takin meph binge". Sick like if someone made me smoke some heroine or made me drink my own piss, or what not, perhaps wednesday. I don't know. Can't remember properly. So this is a warning to all of you's who think it's "cool" or "hip" to take some drugs or drink. It's not. It' s fuckin sickening thats what it is. yeah yeah. 4 days of puking: don't through it out the window, it's an experience too. I regret nothing.

Except for missing out on school of course, feel kind of a ashamed. Missed friday and monday, in bed with fever.
Anyways, tuesdays excursion was interesting. The idee as such i thought of as being quite "so and so", yet it proved to make some interesting points about human behaviour, the power of habit, and how insignificant a new idee can be, confronted with old rules and boundaries. Did it make me think about my concept of design and interdisciplinary arts? It might have - not sure yet. But they never walked on the grass.

Disussed some violence: (if need of a translation, mail me). Would like some responses, or tips, about who's right. Make a statement.

Struggling With a Failing Heart säger:

Våldshandlingar är inte plötsliga utbrott av aggressivitet utan har historisk mening eller förankring

huggormen säger:

Nej. Våldshandlingar kan endast förklaras i sociala mönster och i en kulturell kontext, dessa i sin tur kan iofs. vara historiskt förankrade.
Det är också en fråga om diskurs och man kan behöva en stukturell analys.

Struggling With a Failing Heart säger:

Våld uppstår aldrig ur tomma intet. Människor som av en eller annan anledning engagerar sig i våld, har konkreta anledningar till varför de gör som de gör och är därmed alltid, åtminstone delvis, medvetna om vad de sysslar med.

Måste gå och lägga mig. Men när jag gör det lyssnar jag på noise: MERZBOV


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