Discover the simple joys of cottages

The tales about how me and my friends are obliged to solve mysterys which usually, but not always, have criminals behind them.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sad and Horny, Foucault vs. Heidegger, and some ways of making money.

I feel confused. After a long day in school, some hassle with my brother who wants all my money (or he will “destroy my face”) I come home and find myself feeling rather tired and melancholy. And horny. This is somewhat disturbing, and makes me feel even more depressed, yet horny. I don’t know how too deal with these emotions. I ate some wafers but they didn’t help at all.

Concerning what I wrote about yesterday, now I have finally gotten some response on my blog. The response wasn’t quite what I expected though:

“Hi, i was looking over your blog and didn't
quite find what I was looking for. I'm looking for
different ways to earn money... “

But I’m a nice guy, and I will try to comply. So Mr “Askintoo”: Here are my tips on how to make some money:

1. Pleasure an elderly gentleman. (A nice and easy way to make a quick buck, and have some fun)
2. Pleasure a Lady (Not quite as nice as number one, though they might give you nice things and take you out to dinner, they tend to treat you like an object)
3. Give head to some guy in the park (The worst alternative, they simple don’t pay that well, plus you might get paid with a fist in your face.)

So, have some fun with the tips “Askintoo”!

School today was ok; I do like the guys from Unsworn, more so than the other guests so far. They seem to have a playful yet intelligent approach, are ambitious and can back up their work with theory. Today’s exercise, the “slowwalk” I didn’t like that much though, it seemed far too much like what is in Swedish called “flanera”, to be out for a stroll, something that I am not unaccustomed to. Also the project for tomorrow comes with some problems, I think most students see this as nothing more than fun and play. With my own group this is very evident, but I know I have to make compromises when working in groups so I guess I will have to go along with it.

Two things I however didn’t like with Unsworn, One; they claimed that this is probably the only chance we will ever have to design with this amount of people, but how do they know? I am sure I don’t know what I will do ten years from now. Two: The quoting of Foucault; I’m tired of this old man and I claim that his reign will soon be over. (and would already have been over if not for schools like K3 who keep sneaking in his philosophy into everything we do) Also I think Foucault has been popular on the expense of Heidegger, who in my eyes is not only a greater philosopher but better looking. To prove this I have set up a poll: so

Click here to vote on who’s the better looking, Foucault or Heidegger

Now I am tired, sad and horny so I must go to bed were I will cry and masturbate myself to sleep while I listen to: Tindersticks - Sometimes it hurts


At 4:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well then bro... if u get over here il give u som cash in return, no face breaking needed what so ever, but u have to be quick about it cause im a godgiven master of spending all of my incomes on crap... give me a call.
big up for tha clan.

At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


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